Saturday, May 26, 2018

Tucker Carlson

He has a damning editorial online about college kids getting dumber, being brainwashed, knowing less, with inflated grades and leave college per capita with a mountain of debt holding them down for life.

He asks the intelligent question: is a college education worth it? For those that want to be professionals or white collar, I would respond with a resounding yes. The credentials alone are worth it.

For those that want to go into business, or work in the trades, I would answer no to the above-posed question.

As individuators, we are to be intellectual, well-read, endlessly curious, forever learning and studying new things. We discover, search for and wonder about everything.

It may be time to give the billions going to colleges from the public, per capita, like a high school voucher for our students to study abroad, at private colleges like Hillsdale, or start new degree programs run by the states but with contract professors, not tenured, and not part of a hierarchy.

Something must change. What we have now is not working.

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