Sunday, August 5, 2018

Keep Learning

Somewhere I was given a one day seminar advertisement on how to manage conflict and confrontation. It was about how to manage conflict and confrontation. These techniques work and are critically valuable to getting along. Whether one is an egoist or an altruist, or an egoist-altruist as I the moderate am, living in accordance with the Golden Rule demands that conflict resolution is a skill we all need to know and apply.

As a rule, as a gun-lover and gun-carrier, we are being trained that it is very important to know and employ deescalation techniques whenever needed. We, as sacred humanists, prefer peace to war, and as peacemakers, if we can avoid fighting with family, neighbors, other countries, great.

If we must confront, we must be diplomatic, tactful, calm and criticize the behavior, not the person.
We must meet aggressors head on with calm assertiveness to not be pushed around.

If confrontation is going to escalate into conflict and violence, try to leave or call the police, or call the attacker down. If none of these work, be resolved that no one has a right to beat on you, women, children or dogs, and use the degree of force necessary to stop the aggressor decisively. If you can do this without taking his life, that is desirable. If not, let USCCA take over when the police arrive.

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