Saturday, August 4, 2018


It is often denied that non-whites can be racist because one can only  be a racist is one is in a position of power.  That is false and an excuse for the racism of non-white racism. I have long advocated that all are born evil, and so all are racist and haters. Anyone, even slightly different is a stranger, an enemy, inferior and subhuman. Being subhuman and devilish it is permitted to do whatever immoral, cruel barbaric thing to them that one could not do to one's social peers, insiders, that one is not prejudiced against.

Let me address the claim that only one in a position of power can be a racist. There are whites and loners that are powerful and racist. The vast majority of racists and haters are group-livers and belong to every racial and ethnic group imaginable.

The people that nonindividuate and run in collectivist packs are especially racist because theirs is the power of powerfless, the mob loathing of those that are different.

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