Sunday, August 5, 2018

Some Holy Man

At a mosque somewhere in Canada, the mullah prayed to Allah in front of his assembly, praying at unbelievers will be killed one at a time.

I wish Allah would send down a bolt of lightning and fry this creep right when he spouts such filth. I am a holy man, and I have real feet of clay, but none, of us, none of us, have the moral right to pray that unbelievers, or differing believers are killed one by one, praying to God to see it done.

The radicalized young men in that assembly can now go out and kill in Allah's name, because their priest blessed their murder.

Any good deity is a deity of peace and love. She will kill and order her followers to kill in a just war, but never would she support or condone killing good people worshiping a good but different deity. We are all on the same team.

Prager asserts that doing evil in God's name is the unforgivable sin. I do not know if that is so, but it is certainly a serious cardinal or mortal sin with real hellfire possibilities about it.

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