Thursday, October 25, 2018

In Bits And Pieces

Why does God reveal Deself in bits and pieces over the centuries, in different cultures and among different peoples? I do not know for sure, and none do, but I will conjecture that God did not tell the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Hebrews the raw, whole, unvarnished truth 3,500 years ago, because they were not evolved enough as t hen culturally trained, to handle the full truth.

God loves people, and seeks to let them come awake slowly. It would damage people to force them to higher levels of consciousness (Higher levels of consciousness are free states of being, so entering into them must be a purely voluntary choice, or the coerced election would taint and thereby destroy living in such a state of high consciousness.) that they do not understand, and are not ready to understand. People cannot absorb what they are not willing to receive and God honors and respects the existing nature of people, so conservative and slow to change are they.

God coerces none, so De's people entering a higher level of consciousness will occur when and if they elect to do so.

Once Mavellonialism catches on, and millions become individuated, the theological and religious ramifications are huge and transformative. A generation of believers that are rational, curious, intellectual and eager seekers after truth, even painful truths. Their blinders are off: they are emotionally, psychologically and rationally ready and strong enough to handle much more of, if not the whole truth about God. Knowing this, De reveals Deself increasingly.

We will come to realize that the Mother and the Father are individualistic and Individuals. That will blow the minds of unreformed, uninformed group-living individuators.

De felt, in the past, that we had not earned the right to hear the truth about God and the world. God reveals the truth to us incrementally, moderately. 

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