Sunday, October 14, 2018

Well, Dennis

Prager is so often correct, but I must qualify some of what he claims on one subject. He is an absolutist, as are most thinkers. I am a moderate and it makes things messy but that is how the truth is reached, and that is how the world operates. Sorry, Dennis.

Dennis asserts that there is no right or wrong, no identifiable good or evil without God's existence. He is certainly correct  about this.

Then he concludes that since God exists, morality is identifiable, and it is objective  morality with certain right and certain wrong ascertainable aid identifiable and to be named, ethic Forms in God's heaven which our prayer, intuition, holy books, rabbis and right reason can help us nail down.

The moderate in me denies that objective truth or objective morality exist, or, if they do, they are not knowable for sure by human consciousness.

My  compromise with Dennis is that almost absolute truth is available to us, and that is enough to know truth and falsehood and right from wrong.

That is not as reasssuring as absolute morality but it will have to serve.

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