Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stirner The Subjective Egoist

Stirner is a subjective egoist and Ayn Rand and I are likely objective egoists.

A subjective egoist is one that promotes egoism as an ethical system, but is an existentialist in metaphysics--life and people are to be encountered and interacted with, not only with our logic, our heads, our abstracted belief systems by which we live. That we exist, how we cope with existing, how we reflect, react to and interpret what we have experienced must be viewed and labeled with messaging from the heart, the irrational, the illogical, the personal, the relativistic and local.

An objective egoist (My presupposition here is that one is a theist, Rand to the contrary.) is one that promotes egoism as an ethical system and desirable way of life, but would suggest that idealists like Aristotle and Hegel, with their characterization of the universe, out there beyond the subjective self, as being permeated by reason or spirit, is a world that exists, is meaningful and knowable by the human being, whose reason, logic, wielding of language, mathematics, concepts and theories of existence can grasp and communicate intelligibly to others, their individual version of what objective reality is, how it works, and what is the human relationship to that ordered world.

I would recommend that the individual is best able to free free, intellectually alive and authentic outside of group-living, and without zealous self-subjection to any faith or cause (Enjoy your faith and cause, but not as a true believer.).

Stirner is correct in embracing egoism, but is incorrect in promoting subjective egoism and his brand of subjective materialism. Rand is a materialist, and I am an immaterialist, but Rand and I promote objective egoism because that is how the individual is best able to remain free and able to maverize.

Subjective consciousness as a mode of living as an individual ultimately breaks down for Stirner and other existentialists because a life lived without abstractions, without essentialism, with a rejection of God, morality, a personal philosophy and an aristotelian ethical system leads to social chaos, nihilism and the reverting of separated individualists back into mob-living, and the life of those involuntary egoists is the life of enslaved zealots subjugated to a corrupting cause that they are beholdened to, are addicted to, are sickened by, but which they cling to for life, and will use the sword, the whip and the electric cattle prod to coerce all voluntary egoists to worship this cause also.

Only objective egoism, mitigated by dosages of Mavellonialism, love and spiritual connection to the Good Spirits, will bring about a generation of egoists that enjoy the best that Stirner and the existentialists have to offer, without failing as they have, to offer a lasting and permanent route to personal growth, fulfillment freedom and happiness, as the objective but qualified egoism, that I suggest.

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