Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Atheist, Max Stirner

Max Stirner was a militant atheist, but some referred to him as a subjective idealist. But Berkely, The subjective idealist, self-referred to his philosophy as immaterialism.

Stirner, the atheist, is a hard-core materialist--all there is is the material world. Spirits, souls and essences are all spooks or phantasms, according to Max.

If Stirner is not a subjective idealist (we cannot get beyond the living, solid conscious self and its experiencing and perceiving) but is a subjective materialist.

Now, like Marx he is an atheist and a materialist, but he is a subjective individualist whereas Marx's materialism is objective, "scientific" and part of some kind of abstraction, Objective Materialism, and Collective Will or Collective Humanity or Communism.

Stirner warns that all causes are spooks, empty abstractions: they do not exist. They are alien to the unique self of each voluntary egoist but serve as false gods, fixed ideas worshiped and served by the masses, involuntary egoists sacrificing themselves to this alien, inauthentic cause.

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