Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Video

Ben Dorr, Executive Director of Minnesota Gun Rights, posted an hour long video which he briefed members and the public on what national elections means for Minnesotans. This November 6th, 2019 video was a video that I carefully took notes on and analyzed. It was brilliant and insightful with profound implications for how grass-roots feisty, militant, focused citizen lobby can impact elected officials and public policy decisions. If a generation from now, millions of individuator-anarchist supercitizen rule the public debate in America, growing out of MGR tactics, America can return to its constitutional republican heritage, and go to new heights.

Ben observed that Virginia went blue. He blamed it on the moderate, RINO Republican campaign waged there. The appeasing, subservient, liberal campaign run by Republicans to get the media, Democrats and Leftists to vote for them and to like them, backfired hugely, as the voters swept the Republicans out of office, taking the Senate and the House for Democrats.

Ben warns that Kurt Daudt and Paul Gazelka are running an identical moderate liberal campaign in Minnesota, placating the Left like the Republicans did in Virginia, and this failed campaign strategy will kill the Republican and conservative movement in Minnesota just like it failed in Virginia.

And gun control is now guaranteed in Virginia, it will come down hard on Minnesota if Daudt and Gazelka are allowed to trash and betray gun owners in Minnesota in 2020.

After the Virginia Beach shooting in Virginia, gun control was the number one public policy issue there. The RINO Republicans there introduced their own gun control bills to appease Governor Ralph Northam and Democratic voters. When Republican lawmakers swing to the Left to follow radically left Democratic agenda items like gun control, it is done to save Republican seats, in hopes that grateful Democratic votes and the liberal media will vote to keep Republicans in their seats. It never works. They throw those Republicans out of office. The RINO strategy to go Left to appease and hold off the Left also angers the betrayed conservative base that stay home and do not vote, further leading to losses of Republican seats in the House and Senate.

Where Republicans and their supporters do not submit to the Leftists agenda offered by the Democrats, but refuse to compromise, instead going on offense, vocal, active, defiant and organized in opposition to Democrats, the base, the middle class, the suburbs and independents vote to keep in office and gain more seats for Republicans that fight for their base instead of betraying it. When politicians fight for their base, their base fights for them, but this lesson is lost on RINO coward and traitor Paul Gazelka in Minnesota whose moderate Leftist Republicanism is alienating his base and their will lose.

Gazelka openly attacks gun owners, but never gun control groups, and he is promising hearing on gun control measures in 2020 not passing gun-rights measures.

Ben complains that not one Republican in the Senate is a champion for gun rights legislation, going against his caucus and introducing bills on gun rights, forcing Democrats on record in the Minnesota House and Senate to vote openly against gun rights bills, so we have those votes recorded to run against them in the fall of 2020.

If Republicans fight for the people, for conservative causes and for gun rights, they will state and national elections. Where they compromise, and seek common ground, they lose. By making friends on both sides of the aisle, by practicing bipartisanship, they contribute to the further eroding and destruction of our state and our country. They seek commonality with Democratic and Leftist enemies.

As the Democrats and Progressives go further and further to the Left, embracing Marxism and Euro-centric policies, RINO Republicans follow right after them, going farther and farther to the Left to not appear too traditional, backwards, unsophisticated or stodgy.

Ben demands that Republican leaders in Minnesota run on no compromise on gun control, introduce and pass bills favoring gun rights, and to promote conservative values and traditional public policy. The results will be to pull the Republicans back to the Right, and force the public and Democrats to pull back to the Right and to the middle.

Ben Dorr reveals several political truths. First, real reform is from the bottom up, as the common people take over all public institutions, and impose their conservative will on the people.

Second the people have to organize and forsake compromise and Minnesota-nice submissions to the destructive, tyrannical proposals hurled at them by Statists, Democrats and Leftists. They the people need to rise up, and order and punish their Republican, Independent and Democratic legislators that do not vote for and introduce legislation consistent with advancing the conservative cause and gun rights.

Third, if Minnesota Gun rights members, COS backers and Tea Party supporters unite to work as supercitizens to pull Minnesota back to the Right, and towards constitutional republicanism, we may yet save America.

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