Saturday, January 4, 2020

Pete Buttigieg

Presidential candidate Pete asked what doe God think about church shootings. Here was my online response:

God made humans. God set up natural law to run the universe created by God. God bestowed upon humans inalienable, natural rights to defend themselves, and those around themselves, to preserve human life. This inalienable right to self-preservation and the preservation of one's family, one's neighbors, one's community, one's state and one's country leads to the God-given, God-backed, inalienable right to bear arms, as civilian militia members, and as private citizens, owning and carrying arms. The Founders knew all this intimately, and they wanted the right to bear arms not infringed ever, by tyrannical government officials or tyrannical majority parties, bound and determined to disarm Americans so that they could be subjugated, as old King George had done. God would not be against churchgoers being armed. God would be against evildoers using guns to slaughter innocent people, at church or anywhere. Armed churchgoers have a chance to make the difference.

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