Monday, October 26, 2020

Genuine Conservative

 A genuine conservative believes that there is a human nature that is a trait universally shared by all people, and that that nature is basically bad. I just watched a Prager snippet online in which he answers a caller's question about how to solve the corrupting influence of political power. Prager quotes Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute (concentrated power) corrupts people automatically.

Prager suggests that most people with amassed power do abuse it for their own benefit, not applying it to help others or the community at large--he notes that there are exceptions to this rule.

He noted that the Founders were conservatives that recognized human frailty and depravity. By taking this into account, they came up with a brilliant political system, our constitutional republic, to separation of pwer and to limit the size of the government.

The Founders wanted to give power, most of it, to the individual citizens.

Prager wants to limit state power and give it to the individual, but Leftists want to limit individual power and give power to the state.

Very articulate, very accurate. I would just take it a step farther, keeping intact our constitutional republic while allowing each citizen to grow as an individuating anarchist and engaged, participating supercitizen.

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