Saturday, October 3, 2020


 Dave Rubin in a concise Prager U video on tolerance gives the following two definitions of tolerance:

A)   Tolerance is the ability to live with people whose opinions and behavior are ones that you do not agree with.

B)   To live and let live is tolerance. I agree, but if someone is wrong, following inferior values or doing wicked things, I will speak out against it, but will not move against them with force unless they are say robbing  my neighbors with a gun.

Rubin goes on to offer that we require tolerance of others opinions to live in a free and functioning society. US is built on tolerance. Rubin suggests that tolerance is an implied, unstated social contract among citizens, universally accepted, acknowledged and honored from the inception of our nation, and that the guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so sanctified in the Declaration of Independence makes necessary this unstated social contract of mutual tolerance so we can do our thing only by allowing our neighbors to do their thing.

I have long thought that the American system of government enshrines the best aspect of the Age of Enlightenment: the individual is sovereign, but must be virtuous, active citizen, enjoying his God-granted unalienable natural rights while moderately allowing his neighbor the same powers and capacities of expression.

The Left today is totalitarian in its values and ambitions. Therefore tolerance and freedom of speech are to be swept away. If others do not act, live, think and speak in complete conformity and uniformity to the dictates and principles of the radicalized Left, they are total sinners, incompetents, outlaws and heretics to be imprisoned, burned at the stake or executed.

Leftist intellectuals and ideologues firmly believe that they are superior, smarter, wiser and better than any opponent. Only those that they like or agree with are to be tolerated, Rubin observes. They will educate the masses on how to live and think.

These are scary, mistaken, dangerous people.

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