Saturday, October 24, 2020

Will Witt

 10/24/20: Dennis Prager carried Witt's podcast this morning about California Governor Gavin Newsom's new fascist decree limiting gatherings at people's homes to no more than two hours, and no more than three families allowed, and no singing tolerated.

This is soft tyranny that will lead to totalitarianism, the Leftist objective. The people are being demoralized and conditioned to accepting deep, wide, intimate governmental intrusion into every facet of their private lives. Witt complains that Newsom has deprived the Californians of their will to fight, to disobey, to think for themselves, to object, to speak out, to even question.

The herd mentality so appealing to people, the natural cowardice of people, and their natural self-loathing, their love of masochism which allows them to build up an addiction to being abused, dominated and pushed around--all these negative human attributes are pushing Californians, our fellow Americans, to getting used to submitting, being taught what to think and how to act. They have lost their ability to speak out and fight back.

Just remember that what Progressives do in California is what they plant to do across the country, and to federalize it. Their weaponizing of Covid is to defeat Trump and push us all towards hysteria, conformity, uniformity of thought, and conditioning us to live under the dictates of Big Brother as the permanent new reality. What scares the daylights out of me is how close the Left has come in this country to making permanent tyranny the Marxist future for all of us to endure and suffer under.

Prager wrote this introduction to the Witt podcast: "Government encroaches on your liberty slowly at first, until you get accustomed to being deprived of it and lose the will to fight back. Will Witt discusses why it's critical to STAND UP for your rights and freedoms in the face of government overreach."

Gentleman, well remarked.

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