Sunday, February 21, 2021

Cancel Culture

2/21/2021: I just watched a short Prager U video on Facebook about the menacing rise of cancel culture. Sephora talks about her Christian conservative views as a Latina and she was ordered to stay silent or she would not get any more work. She was threatened by the Leftist cancel culture which is really the Leftist mob, the mass movement bullies on the Left, seeking to shut down debate, conversation and independent thought and political opposition. They are totalitarian in tone and intent. We must fight back and hard, not flinching one inch. AOC defends the Left which lie again that the cancel culture even exists. She justifies it as an accountability culture to challenge and show dislike towards conservatives and Christians. The video narrator notes how vicious and dangerous these people are: a social media mob screaming at any dissidents from Progressivism. They want to shut down public debate. They seek to spread fear across the land to silence and end critical thinking. They will blacklist opponents and seek to end their careers. These are evil, vicious people-to be strongly opposed and given no quarter.

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