Saturday, February 27, 2021

The New Zealand Interview

On 11/22/2019, well-known New Zealand writer and editor Simon Wilson interviewed Jordan Peterson. It seemed like a hard-hitting interview with a lot of gotcha, hostile, loaded questions. For those that thought Jordan went after Leftist women interviewers harshly, he did not cut this aggressive, smarter, offensive interviewer much slack either. At one-point Wilson asks Jordan if he is angry, and Peterson seems to deny it by deflection, but he is angry, and this constant attacks by Leftie interviewers would wear thin for anyone after a while. Wilson asks Jordan what he thinks about The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Wilson asks Jordan if he thinks there is a movement by men now to stop feminism, repress it, a backlash against women to reoppress women. Jordan said no firmly. Jordan believes men have little in history ever repressed women, and that nowadays women are largely liberated. J (Jordan) notes that birth control has liberated women for the last 60 years. All or most in the West are in favor of women developing their talents, prospering and doing well. J is for moderate feminism, but the radical edges of the movement are not good. The radical feminists have assumed the mantle of collectivized identity, regarding the West as an oppressive patriarchy, and that is a lie and an outrage, J notes. There is no brutal domination of women in the West. My response: I agree with J here wholeheartedly. J is against inequality of outcome enforcement on businesses and government agencies by government regulations to address systemic oppression of women, an injustice that does not even exist. Boys are deemphasized, discouraged and now need to be encouraged to be competent, powerful males making their way in the world, adopting responsibility and meaning. My response: not only does J encourage young men, but it is safe to assume that he and all other Westerners, simultaneously encourage young women, blacks, people of color and the LGBTQ to go for it in life too. 97% of Americans and Westerners regard each young person as an individual to be encouraged to go for it, and none care what their identity group memberships are; it is interesting but just not that important or relevant anymore. We need to move beyond collectivist labels and become unique individuals. The Leftist myth about the injustice and oppression of all these intersectionally identified victim groups by a corrupt, white, male, heterosexual, Christian, capitalist patriarchy is a cruel, demonizing slander upon these smeared Westerners who are not guilty of what they are so shrilly accused of. Indeed, the accusers are guilty of and are projecting upon the actual victims (white, male, heterosexual, Christian capitalists) what these woke Leftists are guilty of or will be guilty of should they overthrow our governments. J notes that radical feminists do not comment on actual repression of women in a country like Saudi Arabia, and he asks why they ignore that. My response: my guess is that radical feminists are Lefties, and Lefties do not criticize Muslim cultures or peoples, whom they regard as fellow victims of Western prejudice, racism and imperialism. J adds that we have an emotional affinity for hierarchical rank. If we lose status, we are upset. J seems to argue that Western hierarchies now are mostly based on competence and cooperation, not oppressor identity group machinations to gain power, money, status and authority for the oppressor group while holding down and back all the identified alleged, oppressed identity groups, like the radical feminists. My response: I agree with J. I would add that people in general suffer from low self-esteem naturally, and it is reinforced by social conditioning as most group-live and live by altruist ethics. When the majority suffer from low self-esteem, this indicates that they detest themselves. One way to compensate is to look down upon neighbors, coworkers, family members or acquaintances. Even a slightly higher ranking in social hierarchies really pleases these insecure people. It seems they can only build themselves up by putting down those close at hand. This complex, natural, sick and sickening form of gaslighting those around them is so pervasive that it is powerful evidence that we rank ourselves socially--and in other kinds of hierarchies--so easily and naturally, that to live in and identify and impose hierarchical ranking on oneself and all of those around one is to confirms J's thesis that we like lobsters prefer hierarchical living. My additional thought is that we need hierarchical rankings, but they must be flattened and made kinder and more humane as a new generation of self-actualizing anarchist supercitizens start emerging. Group living, and hierarchical ranking will cramp their style, and crimp their self-liberation attempts. Wilson asks J about the Metoo movement and J emphatically denies that we should automatically believe the alleged or actual rape victim. The accused have rights under our adversarial justice system, and that is how it must remain. Wilson does not like this response. I agree with J. Wilson implies that J's emphasis over individualism versus collectivism is to reward selfish individualism instead of pushing for selfless service to humanity. J rejects that his training for the young, introducing them to individualism is not atomized individualism (something I advocate) --self-help is not Randian, selfish or self-gratification. The individual is to take responsibility, take care of himself so that he is not a burden on others, and when strong, competent and effective, he is able to care for his partner, his family, his community and his country. Wilson seems to get none of this. My summation: Jordan Peterson is no saint, but he is a good man, an ethical leader helping millions of young people. He is a genius, a bit snobbish and elitist, but ultimately wants each individual, regardless of identity group affiliations, to prosper and make it in America and in the West. He loves authenticity and truth, and does not suffer fools gladly, nor refrain from telling them the truth, and they hate him for it, and accuse him of being alt-right, a Nazi. He is not, and they are fascists and fanatics and serial liars. What came to me this morning is that these identity groups radicals and social justice warriors are not sincere, idealistic, loving or compassionate. They are bitter, angry, ungrateful, cruel, hateful, hating ideologues whose great joy will only be met as they destroy and overthrow all that is good, decent, free, hopeful and fair in the West. These nihilists will not rest until they bring the second Holocaust to the entire West.

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