Sunday, February 7, 2021

Jeff Crouere, Radio Talk Show Host

Jeff wrote an editorial for Townhall on1/31/2021, titled, "A Different Thpe of Secession Is Already Happening in the USA." Let me quote Jeff: Lately, there has been much frustration with the last election and the direction of our country that some Trump supporters have been talking about 'secession.' Many conseratives and libertarians are asking if it makes sense for certain states to leave the union the way South Carolina left in 1860, after the election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the United States. Whether it makes 'sense' or not, we can be assured that it will not happen. Although the South Carolina legislature voted in November of 1860 to initiate the process of secession, no state legislature would do that today. This is because modern state legislatures, even conservative ones, do not have many members who are angry enough at the federal government to support seceding from it . . .While an official secession will not happen, there will be a different type. In fact, it has already started in our country. Instead of state legislatures, dominated by urban dwellers voting for secession, Americans who live in rural and some surburban areas are executing a secession of their own. They are disassociating themselves with the lifestyles, cultural mores, laws and self-inflicted wounds ehibited in our large cities. My response: the cultural wars pits urban and suburban blue areas against rural and red suburban areas. Let me quote Jeff further: "Citizens living outside of ultra-progressive urban areas do not accept what is going on in large cities. Surely, the thinking is, 'I am not one of them. They are different from me. We do not agree on basic things, like what laws should govern human conduct'. This mental disassociation did not exist in previous times of crisis in our country. There was much more national unity in December, 1941 or even September of 2001.At that time, rural Americans and city dwellers still had many shared values and followed the same laws. Clearly, the similarity in culture and politics between rural and urban Americans is dying, and the pace of its death march is quickening. The same type of disassociation is also felt by many Americans living in suburban areas. They recognize their way of life is incompatible with that exhibited in large cities. This results in suburban dwellers venturing into cities less often. Once there, they feel unsafe and unwelome. According to the FBI, crime rates in our urban areas are signifiantly higher than in suburban and rural areas." My response: This article is the tale of two cultures, one urban, and one suburban and rural, and the gulf is growing. It will only get worse. The suburban and rural people have not changed and drifted right or not much, but the Democrats and urban dwellers have veered far to the Left. They have abandoned middle America. I suggest that the suburban and rural people unite and form a Republican juggernaut to counter the Leftist/neo-Marxist/Democratic movement to tranform America into a one-party socialist dictatorship. Let me quote Jeff further: "More crime is not the only difference Americans notice in large cities. There are also different laws regarding decency, civility, and cleanliness. Unfortunately, manners and traditional customs are rarely, if ever, practiced . . .Over the past few decades, millions of Americans who support traditional American values, and even some who value safety, have already left our large cities. They are disgusted with the political corruption, high taxes, racial politics, homelessness and , over the past year, the excessive Covid-19 lockdown orders . . .With unworkable policies and massive bureaucracies, these cities will need greater and greater subsidies from productive, tax-paying citizens living in rural and suburban America. Urban areas have been failing financially for many years, but as the policies become more progressive, the costs are escalating even highter . . . How much longer will productive taxpayers living in rural and suburban communities agree to subsidize large cities? Sooner or later, these citizens will say, 'Enough is enough, we want out!'" My response: Suburban and rural people now despise city dwellers, let alone voluntariy supporting them. All are on a collision course. I have to think that the conservatives need to run a concerted, intelligent narrative about traditional values, free market economics, the primacy of liberty presevation, gun rights, closed borders, energy independence, our constitutional republican system's perpetuation and a plan to return to viable urban cores. That message will spread and grow as we preach it to the entire country.

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