Sunday, February 21, 2021


I just watched a video on Facebook of a man splitting blocks with an axe, for firewood. This man had no arms and used the splitting axe under his chin to split the blocks. This disabled man is profoundly inspirational, daring to do the best he can with what he has to work with. Think what the average person could do if they just enjoyed this wonderful man's fierce, blazing will to be better and succeed, to overcome his severe physical limitations. The truth is that the will to succeed, on steroids, is what self-actualization is. It may be to pursuit great wealth or power, but far more commonly it is just the will to become a brilliant plumber, a poet, a philosopher, a carpenter, a hair stylist, super smart computer programmer and on and on. Jordan Peterson is right about most things, but he thinks that talent is rare, and those that are smarter, a genetic elite, will rise to the top of whatever competence hierarchy that they choose to work in. Most of the innovation, superior workmanship, productivity, brilliant performance and the accompanying lion's share of the wealth, accolades and credit for advancements in the field will rightly go to the 10% of top performers in that field, while 80% of the professionals in that field will be mediocre, less well paid, and stationary for life in that field. That is how nature makes us. Obviously, I strongly disagree with Jordan about this. Talent is universal and plentiful if suppressed and not expressed; human potential is wasted on a massive scale. I read this morning that Eric Hoffer defined talent as a species of vigor, and I believe his view of how talented the people are, and how marvelous they can perform if they just believe in themselves, demonstrate the will, energy, hard work, ambition, and focus on excellence instantiated by the armless wood block splitter mentioned above. Jordan's elite performers will still run the show at the top, but those underneath will set the bar of super-excellence very high, as their own individuated performance as average people turning their more average talents into excellent performance. Conceive of that anarchist/individuator society of hyper-competent supercitizens and realize that still existing hierarchies will be of exceptional merit and stellar performance.

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