Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Derek Hunter, Radio Host

Derek Hunter wrote a column for Townhall.com on 1/31/21, entitled, "I Can't Bring Myself to Care Anymore." Let me quote Derek: "There was a time when an allegation of racism was one of the worst things someone could be accused of. Now, it is a punchline. Back in the day, the word had meaning--aside from an occasional Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson shakedown, it was not cavalierly tossed around to score political points and it was not reported on without something close to irrefutable proof. Now it is a debate tactic of the left to avoid serious engagement and covere for a lack of factual back-up. Everything is 'racist' now, and as someone who actually used to care, who was disgusted at the conecpt and its existence, thanks to the weaponization of the term, I can't bring myself to care about it anymore." My response: Derek Hunter is totally correct, and his response to the weaponization of the term racist is the proper response. Let me record my stand on racism once more: we are all inherently born bad, and that means we overly love and give a pass, earned or unearned, our in-group associates. Those that are born into or are affiliated with out-groups, or strangers, racial or other, are those that we naturally dislike, fear, even hate, feeling racist or prejudiced against them, and will discriminate against them. But, as sovereign individuals, morally trained to treat all equally, fairly, with courtesy and respect, we are not racist. We have been trained and learned to act as civil, civilized adults. This is the truth, this is the American Way. The Left's accusation against whites, Christians and conservatives as racists is slanderous and libelous. They are scum and lying filfth. Their vicious smear campaign has so discredited them that they have lost the right to be heard. Institutionalized reverse racism against whites is now systemic and public policy of the Left and the Democratic Party. One cannot push identity poltics without promoting racism.

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