Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Minnesota Gun Rights

 I have deep affection for Minnesota Gun Rights. They are one of the most successful rights advocacy groups in America: they actually lobby state governments and the federal government, and campaign against those, friend or foe, that are anti-gun, or at least not bringing bills up for the vote to advance gun rights for Americans.


About two years ago, I got very involved in writing philosophical pieces, short pieces, which I would post to their Facebook account. For a while, I got some feedback, and then readers quit remarking or liking at all: I was greeted with dead silence.

For me, a prophet/voice crying in the wilderness, a great soul shouting, but none seem to be listening or heeding, this was not a new phenomenon, and nor was it unexpected or unanticipated.

Now, I love 2A and gun rights advocates, and MGR and its national chapter, AFA, the new manly NRA, for bottom-up political reform, and I have given thousands and thousands of dollars to them, and signed every petition and made every call to a politician, in the last 6 years, that they demanded, as part of citizens advocacy and activism. 

What I discovered--even knew in advance--that Americans deeply need MGR and citizen lobby groups like them to stay free, prosperous, and powerful as private people, even if the masses often do not realize who is good to them and for them--MGR is both. Its leaders are aggressive, not intimidated by authority figures, not deferential to those in power, to lying, power-hungry, corrupt politicians.

If I became well-known and prominent in MGR communications and publicity, something the Dorrs likely would not have allowed anyway since they like running the show, I would have killed the movement. Great souls like I am, often anger, frighten, confuse and upset the masses--they are so turned off by our presence, by what we say and do, that they shut down completely. 

They will go the other way, support the opposition, not matter how destructive to themselves such a option may be, to America, and how it offends God Deself. My will and purpose, they think, are what they feel they must oppose, stop, control and wipe out, and they will sleep with the Devil himself just to prove their independence and control in spite of me. I am enemy Number One.

Bernard Mandeville and Max Stirner would likely be more popular and accepted with the participants and followers in MGR than I am.

As I noted above, I love MPR and want them to succeed. As a result, I no longer write anything on any social media sites of theirs. I give them money, and sign and submit the petitions, but, other than that, I am invisible and silent.

What I say, do and have to offer via Mavellonialism is so strange, so alien to current culture and social consciousness, that people completely shut down and wall it off. By bugging them, I could be mobbed and killed--that is the only energetic reaction that they would be capable of.

With this metaphysical reality in force, where do I stand and what should I do? I elected to stay out of sight on social media sites. I just cannot get people to listen to me. 

I will serve God, myself and humanity best by continuing to read, write, ponder and publish my version of egoist ethics and culture, and by making my ism more internally coherent, better formulated as a system of thought and faith, that is the job that God seems to have in mind for me.

As for my fellow Minnesotans, I wish them all the best and hope they make it. They are on their own, and we all will swim or sink by the reality that they impose on us all.

I am trying to be at peace with my reduced role, but I am trying to become smarter, better and wiser, so that I can serve God and humanity in the best manner conceivable.

My open involvement would hurt MGR, and that is unacceptable as an outcome. Its victories are critically needed and I wish to help make them succeed. May MGR thrive!



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