Sunday, December 4, 2022

Liberals Fail To Protect America


Dennis Prager shares three—at least 3—political first principles that require repeating: First, the Left lies all the time, accusing conservatives of diabolical practices that they are currently invested in, about which they deny doing and at least 50% of the mass media indoctrinated public seem to accept as gospel.


Second, the Left destroys everything it touches. Follow any number of the Prager U videos to discover how the Left has accomplished this.


Third, we independents, conservatives and Republicans must differentiate between liberals and Leftists. Liberals are still rational, open to correction, and will dialogue and negotiate in good faith.


The problem is, Prager warns, is that liberals vote for and support the Leftist candidates, politicians, and their agenda because they are brainwashed by the Left to paint all conservatives and Republicans with a broad brush in incorrigibly racist, classist, capitalist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic. etc.


Liberals have been taught to identify themselves with Leftists as the only way to prevent conservatives and the Republicans from reintroducing white supremacist hegemony, a fascist dictatorship.


What is true is that there are some Nazis, white supremacists, fascists, and fanatics on the right, but they are few in number, and are almost wholly discredited by conservatives, Republicans and Independents.


The neoconservative movement wants America to be a free market, constitutional republic, no more and no less. They want nothing to do with Communists or fascists. Still, the Left has demonized and slandered conservatives as fanatics, brutes, racists, and fascists out to set up a right-wing police state, and that tainted, false image has stuck.


Where the danger lies for America stems from the revolutionary, scheming Postmodernist-Marxist Left working tirelessly to overthrow America, replacing it with a Communist, totalitarian, one-party state like Red China.


They are very far along in realizing their revolution, and the Democratic Party, and its politicians, legacy media allies, bureaucrats, professors, billionaires, celebrities, pastors, crony capitalists, educated young people and Rino Republican traitors, is comprised of true believers out to take over the nation. This mass movement is marching across the land with great success and alacrity.


To help liberals and independents wake up and smell the coffee, we conservatives and Republicans must continue to denounce racists and fascists among us, and seek to convince a majority of the public that we are constitutional republicans with no design to impose a police state upon any America, let alone take away their God-given liberties.


We must explain to our liberal neighbors and friends that there—this is obviously oversimplified--are approximately five types of political groups currently operating or could be operating in America.


First, Fascist Republicans: few and rare in number, and excluded by most conservatives that discard them as dangerous lunatics.


Second, there are Conservative Republicans that want to restore America to its political and economic traditions, making it great again, transforming it back to what it was, but in gradual, peaceful, lawful action taken.


Third, there are Independents that vote for the program or the individual candidate.


Fourth, there are Liberal Democrats that are left-leaning but still work within the traditional American political and economic framework.


Fifth, there are Leftist/Socialist Democrats that are revolutionary in their schemes and push to fundamentally alter and overthrow America’s traditions in politics, economics, and culture. They mean no one well, and we will be Venezuela North should they win control of the entire country.


We conservatives and Republicans must present liberals with our contract for America, to be pushed by conservatives at every level of government, so they know what we plan to do, and that we say what we mean, and mean what we say, and that we will work hard to implement this plan once in office.


Victor David Hanson came out with a brilliant article (12-1-2022), now online, in which he lays out 10 ways to destroy America. It is chilling to examine his bullet points, realizing how brilliant the Left has been in implementing a deep and wide program to destroy and upend America. It is working and could even be unstoppable, but we conservatives might yet save America and make it great again.


Below I am briefly going to paraphrase Hanson’s 10 points, and suggest that if conservatives do the opposite as counter-measures listed on that list, the contract for America, it serves as a solid start for laying out our plan to bring America back.


Hanson’s points: First, you surrender our prior energy independence. So, we conservatives must reverse this under a new conservative President to restore our energy independence.


Second, print trillions of dollars, federal dollars created and spent with huge, unbalanced budgets.

Second, conservatives pledge to balance the budget, and pay off the national debt, and pay as we go on levels of small, limited by strong, efficiently run government entities.


Third, end America’s physical boundaries.


Third, conservatives close the borders, eliminate illegal immigration, and cut for 10-year legal immigration to 1/3 of its current level. Any that came to this country illegally, should be sent home, or, if they stay, they are never allowed to become citizens, to vote and vote Democrat. Americans must not allow an international medical/vaccination passport administered by United Nations. American national sovereignty must be respected. The Leftist/Postmodernist/Marxist cabal is to eliminate all national borders so that we think of ourselves as global citizens to be ruled from United Nations headquarters or as colonies of Red China, when it breaks out into the open to take over the world. We must keep America strong, independent and a sovereign nation.


Fourth, destroy the public trust in its elections.


Fourth, we conservatives must insist that most citizens vote on one election day (a few people will need absentee ballots still) and show a valid ID. We must return to free and fair open and monitored elections.


Defund and break up the FBI, ATF, the Department of Justice and CIA so protect American citizens from these weaponized federal police agencies, that are the swamp and are pushing one-party rule of the Democrats forever.


Fifth, redefine crime as one rich man’s crime, another poor man’s necessity.


We conservatives must insist that we cannot have two systems of justice, one for Democrats and one for Republicans. We cannot have anyone breaking good and just laws with impunity. No one should be above the law.


Sixth, junk the ossified idea of a melting pot and multiracial society united by common American values.


Sixth, conservatives must insist that there is one America made up of many, and that there is put one American system and culture, holding together all its disparate parts.


Seventh, render the United States just one nation of many nations abroad.


Seventh, conservatives must reemphasize our commitment to American exceptionalism, that we are still a beacon of light offering freedom, tolerance, peace, and prosperity to people of all nations.


Eighth, neuter the First Amendment.


Eighth, we conservatives must insist that Free Speech is sacrosanct, with it meaning almost complete freedom to say whatever one wants. Even mean speech or hate speech would not be censored, period. The sovereign individual cannot reason and think and created negotiated dialogue with other citizens counter-arguing and counter-negotiating in good faith if speech is restricted in almost any way. Twitter under Elon Musk must not be controlled and censored by government officials.


Ninth, demonize half the country as semi-fascists, un-Americans, insurrectionists, and even potential domestic terrorists.


Ninth, get the word out through conservative media so that the public can hear the truth. We must not allow Leftists to smear us as domestic terrorists and fascists. We are not, and we must point out that our counter-reformation is peaceful, based upon persuasion and the ballot box, and there will be no enemies list, none that are dissenters from our viewpoint silenced or imprisoned.


Tenth, never mention the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Do not blame China for releasing this virus. Ignore the Bill of Rights to mandate vaccinations, mask-wearing, and quarantines.


Tenth, conservatives must tell the truth about China, and never again must we allow the government, on any level, in the name of public health, to suspend the Bill of Rights. Liberty is the most precious and important state of political reality for each citizen to have and enjioy to preserve our constitutional republic.


I now add a few more bullet points for our agenda, our contract for America.


Eleventh, powerful advocacy for gun rights, on all levels of government to keep the citizens free, armed and empowered to ward off attacks from rogue federal police and dictator, from crazy people in public, from criminals and from foreign invaders and domestic terrorists bursting into gun-free zones.


Twelfth, do not subsidize but make sure that limited government, living within its means, has policies, trade policies and legal protections for businesses, labor, citizens and customer so that the free-market economy is free up to enrich all people as individuals and as a people.


Thirteenth, rebuild our military so that China and other rogue nations hesitate before attacking us.


Fourteenth, study my Mavellonialist political theory under which each citizen adult is an anarchist-individuator-supercitizens that runs society and tells the politicians, leaders, and bureaucrats where to get off at.


Such a band of supercitizens will restore our constitutional republic and free enterprise system, and dignity afford each individual citizen is to be restored and protected henceforth.




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