Friday, December 30, 2022

To Be Evil


Jordan Peterson brilliantly elucidates that suffering is natural and everyone experiences it in their lives. Life is not easy. He defines malevolence as needless suffering that a person inflicts upon another person.


In light of his definition of evil, as inflicting needless suffering it might seem that to be evil is to be sadistic towards others, and that is correct.


But, in my way of thinking, to be evil is less about being sadistic towards others than it is to be sadistic within a social context of group-living, hierarchies and grades of in-group inclusion snubbing out-group excluded person of lesser rank.


To be evil is less about being sadistic to social inferiors—and they are inferior—not inherently—but in social rank—than it is about the victims willingly accepting sadistic abuse from their social superiors. And the victims will victimize those below them, ad nauseum.


 To be evil is how all these people, born depraved, enjoy living this way, or at least are addicted to this way of life that victimizes all humans within this structure, twisted and debilitating.


To be evil as a masochist indicates that most people, regardless of social rank and social popularity, are high on the sick and negative love of being abused. They fatalistically accept their fate and pass it onto their children, so the sick pattern of mutual mistreatment and enslavement goes on seemingly forever.


In-groups sadomasochists have a lot to answer for, and their promotion of collectivist-altruistic social arrangement is not making them repent or become loving and healthy. If they are radicalized, they become mass movement participants.


Evil exists as an independent spiritual force, and it resides in the human heart. As joiners and collectivists, we instinctively form cliques and in-groups. Still, it is hard for popular, better ranked insider evildoers to believe that they are evil because they are nice to, and they cooperate with those that are popular and in: they all enjoy each other, but inferiors and outsiders are forever kept down and out, never allowed in and none are allowed out.


Insiders gain great sense of pleasure and solidarity in keeping out and down others that just want to be liked, to be treated fairly as equals. But they will never make it inside. In-group social superiors have typecast them as inferior socially, outcasts, outsiders and lower in social rank, and these unpopular, social inferiors are neve to be allowed to escape their involuntary, painful, unhappy, imposed social destiny. The superior social insiders know that this unjust system is in place, and they work hard to nurture it and make it a permanent system that traps all humans that live within it. The outsiders of lower and inferior social rank may or may not know that escaping their unfortunate destiny will not occur but live with it they will unless they organize to revel and cast of the entire corrupt, unjust system.


The insider-superiors do not share information with inferior outsiders—only insiders are given access and are privileged enough to get updates as to what the group is doing, undertaking, and planning. Keeping secrets from inferiors is very reinforcing and pleasing for the secretive superiors in a social arrangement.


The insider-superiors have a two or three tier social class system and they work hard to maintain it. They are causing people to be upset, suffer, feel pain and self-loathing, but the insider-superiors work hard forever to construct, perpetuate, and maintain this unjust order. The insider-superiors, on some level, know that they are abusing and hurting others, but they do not care, and are able to go on living as if nothing is amiss. They will keep this patten of injustice going for decades, for a lifetime. The insider-superiors realize that they are doing evil and are cruel, but misbehaving  makes  them feel very happy so they suppress or outright kill off their guilty consciences, and deny that they are not wholesome and attractive. They justify their wrongdoing and engage in its for as long as they live.



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