Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Correction


With some slight introspection, it occurred to me that Jordan Peterson made a point on a video recently which I think needs correcting and qualifying. He was being interviewed, and mentioned he was working for Ben Shapiro on The Daily Wire and that it was successful for all.


He commented how bright Shapiro is and that Ben’s brilliance is underutilized because so much of his attention and time are taken up—even wasted—defending conservatism in the political realm. Peterson thought Shapiro would better be utilized with doing art and documentaries concerning metaphysical and philosophical considerations, not wasting time on mundane political topics at a lower level of importance and prioritization.


Here is where Peterson is mistaken. All should individuate and become very creative, very smart, very knowledgeable, very philosophical thinkers. Though each should work in the stratosphere of meta-philosophical and metaphysical on speculative questions, each intellectual should be a heavily engaged supercitizen on the level of political involvement on every level of government, because if the best and smartest people are not running the political show in government and each private institution every day, all the time, slowly over time, the civil society become corrupt, restrictive and oppressive once again.


Intellectuals as free market individuators can never cease being political, and daily active as such operatives, no matter their other interests and obligations, because God’s secular society turns to muck as quick as, to the extent that the individuators are not running things all the time.


No, Jordan the political level is critically important. If good people are not running and managing the government, it will be used as a vehicle for spreading darkness and suffering in the world.

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