Monday, August 5, 2024

Restricting Free Speech


It occurs to me yesterday in a flash that we are feminizing men in a way that diminishes men and through that deterioration all humans are deprived of strength and goodness.


I am currently involved with a union grievance against my employer for working us out of classification. Our union is one of the typical modern weak unions. Our business agent is soft-spoken, very polite, and very willing to get along with Management. Our rights are trampled when our business agent is too affable, too cozy with Management.


I was seeking to fire him up so I told him on the phone the other day: “You are our pitbull; your job is to chew their fucking legs off—referring to his going after Management to demonstrate that we are equals not to be trifled with.


He was shocked, and mildly replied that he supposed there is an appropriate time and a place for such language.


Now I am not for starting fights and sowing discord. I am not for hurting people’s feelings or using racist remarks at work or in social occasions. Nor do I want people to use word recklessly, using inflammatory, accusatory, slanderous phrases needless or falsely. But, on the other hand, we need a world of individuating supercitizens where people are blunt, frank and make strong uncensored statements.


We need loud, overt, uncensored, manly, and brusque speech where one is willing to offend while being honest. We need people to agree to not easily take offense. What we want is true (Not always true but attempting always to tell the truth and uncover the truth, and this is the good faith aim of both parties in the verbal exchange.) open speech.  Over all, over time, truth, bold, unreserved speech better serves the individual and the community. A society of individuators made strong, freely expressed language, because free language use frees up and promotes new thinking, and that is how we grow and advance. We want near unlimited free speech which rewards deeper, smarter, more powerful human communicating.

 Knowledge grows as people exchange open concerns and sort out frontier subjects. Knowledge growth thrives where extroverted people talk a lot, talk intellectually, unleashed, and uninhibited to discuss and explore near any concern.  It would not hurt if it was a group standard that the outspoken speaker that is shown to be flawed in his thinking or downright at error, is a person who is big enough to admit publicly that he was wrong after being corrected.

Where speech is not free and is censored or self-censored, free thought and individuating growth is hampered and that is regressive and intolerable.


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