Monday, August 5, 2024



I was interested in the Christian concept—or some say is a vital requirement to surrender one’s life to Jesus. I am a Christian, though as a moderate, I worship several good deities. Jesus is not a jealous divinity, and nor are any of the other good deities. Only demonic gods are capable of being jealous, that one must worship them solely or else be severely reprimanded by the domineering, controlling deity.


I believe that one can know the Father and the Mother, and the other good deities, either through Jesus’s intercession or separate from Jesus. Jesus does not care, as long as you worship and worship a good deity.


Now, I believe that Jesus and the other good deities are individualists and individuators, so I am a bit leery of total surrender of one’s will, life, independence, and liberty to any good deity—nor do I think any moderate-minded and individuating Deity like Jesus ever requires that of us, though the Bible may suggest otherwise.


I am contradicting the Bible? I hope not. I think Jesus and all good deities are big-tent thinkers. If many Christians, especially evangelical or fundamentalists types want to completely surrender their will and lives to Jesus, I think that is fine and no one’s business.


With the resurgence of evangelical Christianity now in 2024, I hope the evangelicals and fundamentalists make room for competing worshipers of other good deities; that is what Jesus wants.


What is evil and intolerable is for followers of rival good religions to quarrel with each other up to the point of conducting pogroms against rival sects, even committing to religious war against “heretics’ and “infidels”. That is satanic practices, straight up, and we do not want to revisit holy warring against each other.


Here is a quote I got off the internet today—I know not the source, but it is 8/5/24--: “How do I give my Life to God?

Do you have to make Jesus the lord over your life?

  • You must now make Jesus the Lord over your life. Jesus must now become both your Lord and Savior, not just your Savior. You must now make the second biggest decision that you will ever make in this life. The first biggest decision is whether or not you will accept Jesus as your personal Savior through His sacrificial death on the cross.”

 My response: Note that two requirements are made of the one wishing to be saved: he must now accept Jesus as Lord over his life as well as accepting Jesus as his personal Savior through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.


I have no problem with any believer accepting any good deity as the Lord or Lady ruling their life, but these good deities are individuators so they want us to run our own lives too, as long as we do so in service of maintaining and extending the kingdom of heaven on earth.


That Jesus and other good deities are Saviors of humankind, opening the way to heaven for the repentant is true and worth acknowledging before God and other humans, but Jesus and the other good deities, at the same time, as individuators, require of us that we save ourselves too, while having turned our lives and even our wills over to them.


This is how I seek to reconcile the potential misunderstanding here between evangelical Christians and worshipers of other good deities.

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