Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Law Of Moderation


The law of moderation is what I hope to define as an ontologically real and governing principle embedded in the fabric of reality, natural, cultural, and supernatural. This governance of reality is spiritually and morally operational too.


Moderation in ethically good as a principle operating, when it is not much either/or, but is more both/and. This both/and character of operational moderation in reality is expressed as both/and but is more or less the one pole being dominant and highlighted, while the opposite pole is recessive and less emphasized.


The one pole is the majority emphasis while the recessive, minority pole, though required for universal balance, is less emphasized.


The dominant pole is the major but not sole emphasis or view, while the minority emphasis is less accentuated, but never to be shunned or eliminated by pure deemphasis. The world is out of balance if either pole is discarded, utterly ignored, and not included in how humans operate in the world, and such extreme operating will let loose chaos and evil upon all of humanity.


Ayn Rand’s fanaticism is one reason that I will never be a Randian, and too her atheism repels me; still, I much like how she thought, taught and wrote.

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