Friday, July 4, 2014

Protetesters At The Bortder

Patriotic Americans demonstrators are blocking buses of illegal aliens crossing our Southern Border. Not one person should cross that border illegally. Secure the border as tight as a cookie jar. If they are here illegally, send them home, and inform them that for cheating and breaking our laws, they may never come back, and can never, never, become citizens let alone vote.

I hope those bus blockers remain civil and peaceful, but these demonstrations may finally embarrass the cowardly Congress and wimp President to secure the border, and enforce existing laws on the books concerning illegal immigrants.

Once again, like the grass roots Tea Party, it will be grass roots protesters that force the lazy, corrupt, evil, power-hungry politicians in Washington to act, however minimally and with passive aggression. They all need to be voted out, and Obama impeached. We need to clean house, period.

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