Monday, July 7, 2014

Why I Am Not For Amnesty

I am not a racist (a practicing racist). I am a genetic racist like every other person on earth. I am not motivated by racism in my firm opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens. They should be deported. Those that are not removed, should never, never be granted citizenship and voting rights. Granting them voting rights is exactly what Democrats want---they are not lovers of people of different color--they just want to use those populations of color to vote Progressive and Californize the whole country for generations to come.

We cannot allow Democrats to destroy this nation forever, exactly what they and their thug leader Obama are planning, and may yet succeed in accomplishing. Once again we Tea Party people will have to do the heavy lifting because the Rinos are wimps. We have to get the borders closed. We have to get these illegals deported and no path to citizenship for those that remain.

I have to  help educate Tea Partyers and the rest of America. I must point out that by Mavellonializing our population, our free market, constitutional republic lifestyle as individuator-anarchists and canton supercitizens will save America from hordes of socialist, barbaric invaders who do not know how to live, and will just bring their tribal values here, and make America one big Washington, D.C.

We have to educate the Latina countries and all others, that by adopting our superior values, they can have liberty, democracy, law and order, and tremendous, wide-spread prosperity at home, so they will no longer want to, and do not need to swarm here and take us down as well.

We must close the borders and send the illegal hordes home, until they repent, quit fumbling their chance to excel by holding forth on how they will continue to live within the matrix of their inferior cultures. They need to be willing to be instructed and obey us. Then we can help them at home. They are not inferior peoples, but their domestic, loved ways of life are barbaric and inferior and must either be discarded or Westernized severely so that the hybrid culture allows them to love the good life at home so they do not come here and take away what we have built.

Once they abandon their values and adopt ours, then they will not want to come here or need to. Then, ironically, with closed borders, we can allow some legal immigration. But we control who, how many and when they can come here--not them, not their government, nor the UN.

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