Thursday, March 5, 2015

Do Liberals Get A Pass?

Do liberals get a pass for growing government, for growing evil? The answer is complicated. It depends on where they are coming from.

If they cease growing government and any other institution, and repent for their past misdeeds, the Good Spirits will forgive them.

If they are naive and ignorant, but good-hearted in their intentions, then they can be forgiven and are not much to blame for what they sow.

If they have been informed that they are growing evil, and understand but reject the advice from the wise, then they have demonstrated that they are tiddly over the prospect of growing government and amassing power to their cause and to themselves. At this point, they have violated spiritual laws, natural laws, constitutional rights, moral obligations and social efficacy concerns. They are guilty, chargeable and may be punished.

If the disobey, defy, defame, sneer at, mock or attack the wise and continue in their sinful practices, then they are guilty of grave sins against humanity, and deserve punishment.

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