Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Twisted Leftists

The fanatics on the Left want totalitarian Leninism imposed on America, and they will do anything and say anything to win their one-party socialist dictatorship under Obama. They will cheat, lie, smear, betray, stab and crush any opponent to their Dear Leader.

They tolerate no freedom of thought, word or deed, let alone free speech. They demonize Conservatives as strange, extreme haters when in fact they are normal, sensible, reasonable lovers of America, and by preserving it, its values, its republicanism, its Constitution and its sovereignty, they demonstrate their good wishes for all humanity. The American Way will be the World Way, once we overthrow the Left and Obamaism.

They hate the Right, and want it labeled terrorist, but worry not about the real dangers in the world: radical Islam, creeping socialism, the nuclear arms race, the spread of Communism, and the building of the fascist Russian empire in Ukraine, and other places.

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