Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Play Offense, Conservatives

Regarding the cultural and political wars raging right now in America, specifically regarding conservatives refusing to participate in conducting gay marriages, conservatives again are right but losing because they are stumbling around, playing defense.

Conservatives must go on offense, and send this message to the young and all Americans.

First God is a moderate and regards marriage as a moderate sacred sacrament between to gender opposites, a man and a woman. To marry two men or two women is to be extreme and immoderate, and that is a wicked step to make. It violates Biblical, natural, Constitutional and Western laws.

Gays should be allowed their civil unions and no more. To demand more is for them and the Left to spread intolerance, satanism, undermine the family, to discriminate against heterosexuals and to discriminate against the civil rights of conservative religious folk.

We must unite as conservatives with an unquenchable desire and ambition to restore the American Way with its morality and goodness.

We must impeach Obama.

We must stop global warming hype and abolish the EPA.

We must build up the military.

We must downsize government.

We must pressure Congress to stop all of Obama's statist pushes.

We must use Article V of the Constitution at every state level to bring big government to its limits of growth.

We must reach the young and welcome them to individuate, accept Mavellonialism and be supercitizens.

Thus we will get on offense, stay on offense, and defend each other against liberal liars, haters, despots and degenerates.

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