Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sir Charles

Hey Charles Barkley, are those rednecks defending religious freedom laws, based on Biblical belief, the same middle class whites that attended the basketball games that made you rich? I guess evangelical Conservatives did not discriminate against you for being black, so for me it is hard to accept that they discriminate against gays, based on the same Bible and the same core beliefs. You are a mouthy hypocrite biting the hands that fed you. Conservative values and Christian beliefs are not discriminatory. What is discriminatory against conservatives, evangelicals and every day heterosexuals is Leftists, gays, the phony, smearing media seeking to use government force legally to silence and intimidate conservative believers. We will not shut up, we will not cater to gay weddings, and all your are doing is making us madder, more united and more determined as a conservative movement to take over this country, and straighten it out. Your flippant mouthiness, Sir Charles, may end up doing some good after all.

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