Sunday, July 12, 2015

Our Obligation

It would please the Good Spirits mightily if we were to take the plunge, making a personal commitment to take the development of our talents to the limit of our time and ability as finite, fallible mortals.

Of course, going beyond the level of personal imperfection is impossible to attain, so it is automatically not worth chasing after. But, short of that, just going very, very far is physically and psychologically exhausting and fulfilling at the same time.

To strive solely for perfection will exhaust us in all areas of personal life, ultimately destroying us.

Rather, individuating successfully is fulfilled by a good, strong push forward every day, over the years. That is the way to go, and meets the need to answer the beseeching of us by the Good Spirits to be all that we can be, and do all that we can do.

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