Friday, July 3, 2015

The Dishonest Twins

The political, helter-skelter philosophy of the socialist, dictator  twins, Barry and Francis, offer a future for Americans in which the rich are robbed of their wealth and power, which will be redistributed to the poor through government regulation and force.

Notice that these dictators and their minions do not give up their source of power, which is massive and directional, federal and state public institutions.

Half-baked conservatives and Chamber of Commerce Republicans do not want to see the rich touched but want to downsize, and devolve the power of government overlords, by sending that money power and self-control back to private citizens, while leave the rich rich.

Mavellonialism suggests that the lawful anarchist is the proper legal and economic repository of most power in terns of money and political muscle. We would  deinstitutionalize huge corporations and government agencies.

WE need no nonindividuating masses in their socialist caste systems, living their lives out within the institutional hierarchy ruled by the various rich, oppressive, powerful elites of mistresses and masters at the top of the heap.

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