Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Do Blacks Riot

When there is an actual or alleged case of police brutality against a black male that is severely injured or killed, now it is not uncommon for blacks to take to the streets and riot. Some conservative blogger questioned why blacks riot when one of their race is wronged or putatively wronged, and whites rarely riot?

Unlike other whites that are reluctant to talk about race, I welcome the opportunity to educate people on race relations, and offer real solutions to solving residual race issues.

Why do blacks riot more than whites? First, we have a media and President that congratulate overtly or tacitly the rioters for their nasty behavior, and this moral encouragement increases the likelihood of it recurring again.

Second, blacks have never felt at home in America, a white, Eurocentric, mainline culture. When a minority feels disaffected, they will embrace crime, anti-police memes, radical and less extreme countercultures, and even rioting to express their defiance of system, their celebration of refusing to assimilate into the mainline culture, and use violence and lawlessness as a mini-revolution to attempt to overthrow what they regard as an oppressive, racist, corrupt, unjust system stacked against them.

Third, blacks are from a continent where tribe is everything. Individual living, individual rights, and individual property are largely alien concepts.

An angry disaffected group of black youth that hate the police and the whitey overlords that they protect would easily morph into a riotous mob eager to attack, smash and topple the status quo.

Individual living as lawful anarchists is a new idea for black Americans, but within 100 years, they will be won over to my way of thinking, and from that day forward, black rioting will be an irrelevant, historical memory.

Whites really are not very good individualists and individuators, for most are still sadly quite group-oriented, but they are mildly individualist, so that usually is enough to keep them anti-crime, pro-police, nonviolent and offended by mob rule, and mob rioting.

Whites are no better than blacks or anyone else, but their value system is the best in the world, and that is why we must preach the American Way to the world. It is the world's salvation, and its only hope to survive and progress.

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