Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Starling Effect

Much of what I write and philosophize is generalized from my personal experience.

I have long suspected, known even, that grouped insiders label, talk about contemptuously, and plot to block, suppress and hold down enemy/outsider/loners like I am.

Just as a flock of starlings flies as one unit across the sky in a marvellous display of coordinated flight, simalrly do insiders share communication, expectations and coordinated responses that reflect their values, their ambitions. Their tactics and strategy are always to present a united front against outsiders, loners, enemies.

If you fight with one of their members, all turn on you instantaneously.

Should you surrender, repent, grovel and accept some marginalized social standing that they offer, then you may befriend one or more of them. As quickly, all would be more friendly.

Group-living demands that people conform and surrender their independent thinking, their very individuality.

Their social power is in their daunting unity as one lumbering, colossally giant able to trample opponents, and their ability to bully and silence all dissenters.

These group ways, behaviors and communications are very ancient. They are instinctive, primal, deeply rooted and the most cherished psychological possessions hoarded and clung to by joiners.

This collectivist living and orientation is one with profound, primeval, biological and spiritual roots. This is how Satan and Lera control humanity.

To be basically evil is to desire to join. When this natural craving is socially rewarded, traditionalized and institutionalized, it is about impossible to eradicate or mitigate.

I will soldier on fighting groupism, but the revolution from group-living to individualist-living likely will not come until after my death.

One day I will be regarded as a saint and hero for my contributions here. I really believe that what I offer--Mavellonialist philosophy--is divinely inspired, and is a gift to reluctant, unheeding humanity. This generous, magnificent gift comes directly from the Mother and Father, but demagogue and elite ruled, ignorant groupists, enslaved and impoverished, and arrogant, stupid and basically evil, are in no position or mood to hear let alone adjust to the good news freely offered them.

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