Saturday, August 1, 2015

False Distinctions

Groupists of one extreme see themselves as all good and always right. Groupists of the opposite extremes see themselves as all good and all right, so in name of God and national patriotism, they butcher the hell out of their opponents, and commit unspeakable crimes against humanity with a clear conscience.

Moderate morality, the mature and superior morality, has one state that one is usually right and usually good and the opposition is usually bad and incorrect but none can claim exclusive rightness nor truthful certainty for that is overreaching as the Mother and Father would prescribe.

So Fascists versus Marxists or radicalized Christians versus radicalized Muslims would be strong examples of the false distinction. All are evil and wrong because they travel in groups, which breeds lying, intolerance, fanaticism,cruel violence, love of fighting and destruction. In the groups the ideological contraries are subsumed and perverted into ideological justifications for wickedness.

Groupism on the left versus groupism on the right is really very little different.

Only the individual of whatever persuasion that is a loner an individualist, that advocates moderate advocacy and moderate proselytizing (no violent or coercive conversions) is able to distinguish himself from his opposite, individualist  number.

Groupism, the sad and wicked mode of living, is the bad means that trumps and taints and derails every noble group mission. This is why groupists of opposite persuasion really are the same. Their rivalry is tribal and pointless, benefiting none.

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