Sunday, October 8, 2017

Is God Lonely?

I would think so. God made humans, so that De would have someone to talk to, to worship De, and assist De in running and expanding De's worldly and otherworldly kingdom.

God feels loneliness, but love, the highest self-esteem, a powerful, durable will to live and triumph, explore and feel joy and contentment--these divine attributes afford God the transformative ability to be alone and yet enjoy the loneliness and aloneness.

God is cheerful, calm, at peace, enthusiastic, resolved and courageous about being alone.

God has made the right and wise choice to individuate, work and create, and this transmutes loneliness into the joy of living and creating. While creating and building (love in action) the creator never feels lonely, empty or without purpose.

By avoiding life, by cowering and hiding in the pack and avoiding living and refusing to execute one's divine duty to create and build, these actions of self-sacrifice put one in the category of being an active sinner, in rebellion against God, and God's expressed commandments.

It is our separation from God, and our refusal to assist the Good Spirits in adminstrating God's realm here on earth that makes us feel lonely.

There is the good loneliness of the individuator about to create and work, thus obeying God.

There is the bad loneliness that hollows out the heart and soul of the nonindividuator, who feels rotten for refusing to obey God's invitation to become a good angel while still alive. The bad loneliness eventually eats away the heart and soul of the nonindividuator until loathing of the self and everyone else is the addictive drug of choice compelling her to dig deeper and deeper into sin and rebellion to keep the guilt and loneliness at bay.

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