Wednesday, November 1, 2017


That the Left do not recognize and admit that, under the often barbaric, backwards faith Islam-- required, desperately needed reform and updating must occur very soon before radical Muslims destroy or take over the world--violence, extremism, intolerance, murder, injustice, imperialism, terrible humans rights violations, totalitarianism, warmongering, and generally, agreat and vicious cruelty are openly at work. The danger and defeat of the West may result from one reaons. The Left characterizes Islam as just fine as it is, a religion of peace, tolerance and justpce.

This horrifying and astounding denial of the truth  is a major reason why the West is succumbing to the coming caliphate and the imposition of shariah law all across the West. We cannot defeat the Islamic enemy if we are not even allowed to name them for whom they are and what they are plotting.

The Left so despises and seeks the destruction of the West that Islam, the West's ancient, virile and virulent enemy, that the Left eagerly seek to ally themselves with, love and befriend this often wicked, deadly foe of human progress and survival.

The Left adores and heaps praise upon Islam like they did upon Soviet Communism about 75 years ago. They explain that the conservative, traditional West is without value, and is utterly corrupt, illegitimate, colonialist, ruled by white male robber thugs that rape the earth, rape women and workers, and have oppressed, killed and colonialized all the brown-skinned peoples of the planet for centuries, for profit and power.

The Left travels in uniform packs. They have their narrative and their view of the world which is absolutely true, and all other points of view are absolutely false. Anyone on the Right is mistaken, dumb, inferior and wicked. Anyone on the Left is correct, smart, superior and noble.

The enemies of their enemies (those on the Right, capitalists, traditionalists, the faithful and Western-philes) are their friends. So if Communists, environmentalist and Islamists hate the West, they can do not wrong in any disagreement with the West, and Westerners are always to blame for the conflicts, and are always in the wrong.

When people like the true believers on the Left are so emotionally stubborn, and live and believe a pack of lies so tightly bound together that they become a psychological state of delusion allowing them to deny facts, reality, counter-evidence and logic, then it is easy to see how the sins of their friends are given a pass and always explained away and forgotten.

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