Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Harvey Weinstein

 How did Harvey get away with these harassments and assaults over the decades? There are many reasons, but I will try explain it.

First,  people are basically evil, and the devil rules the world. When the top dog in Tinsel Town does unspeakable things to women, evil is rife there, and evil, weak followers do not stand against the systemic misogyny. Their wicked natures make them kin to wicked Harvey, so they do not take sufficient offense to get him sacked.

Second, institutional practices--especially bad practices--once entrenched, are hard to turn over. People are naturally conservative and fatalistic, so what is stays as it is for a long time.

Third, people are lazy, and reform is hard, unrewarding work. Therefore, institutional wickedness goes uncurbed.

Fourth, people are group-livers. The nature of clique joiners is to support what the clique does. When top-dog Harvey preys on women, that is just how it is within this desirable clique that they worked so hard to get into.

Fifth, people are naturally cowardly. Going out on a limb and risking one's reputation and fairy-tale career is an demonstration of decency and courage that members of the Hollywood clique would not embrace.

Sixth, people are naturally selfish. As long as they no longer are being harassed or raped by Harvey, or if they no longer have to be near the creep, they just do not care who suffers, as long as they are spared.

Seventh, individual-living individuators are rare in Hollywood. These few strong, assertive, independent and self-made fighters would have gotten Harvey fired the first time that this creep put a hand on their pretty knees. Group-livers just let injustice go on and on until it becomes just another dysfunctional way of life.

How did this monster get away with sexually harassing and assaulting so many women over the
he rug, they are forgotten and the wicked ways of Harvey go on and on, because on some collective, pscyhological level, the community has come to accept that he is a normal, nice guy.

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