Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Nutty Professor

Breitbart News tonight (11/9/17) carries an article from Twitter by Tom Cicotta on a controversial pro

The hating and hateful Drexel University Professor George Ciccariello-Maher offers that the recent
Texas church massacre is caused by 'whiteness'.

Professor George argues that white men in particular feel that they are victims of society (They are the favorite target of the Left, and at what point does that targeted hate become reverse racism and discrimination against white people? I argue that the racism against whites is already well under way, and white self-loathers like Professor George hate white because they are individualist, capitalist, free and individual--all loathed by George and his ilk whose real allegiance is their secular religion, Statism.)

Professor George accuses white men of being absolutely in control of society that they erroneously believe is victimizing them,  the victimizers. This line of thinking is similar to non-whites cannot be racist--only whites can be racist, which is baloney. All are bigoted and all are victimized, and most will play the role of victimizer of someone, somewhere when they get the opportunity without consequences.

Professor George sees angry white men as dangerous, capable of mass violence and joining deadly far-right movements. George defines whiteness as a structure of privilege and a structure of power that, when it feels threatened, lashes out. White males feel like they are on the wrong side of history.

Now, I will agree with him about one thing. The Texas church massacre, in one sense, is caused by whiteness. My theory is that white males are loners and individualist at a high percentage than such loners and individualists in any other gender or ethnic makeup.

It is in the air that the age of the actualizing individualist is dawning, so groupists, will subconsciously and instinctively rebound with a final burst of fanatical group-living expectations enforced on all in any community.

This push back against loners leaves white males that are excluded and out there, no love, no warmth, no haven with a welcoming group. Where these loners are non-individuated, the temptation to 'gun-up" and take revenge on society through mass killings is their violent expression of their unanswered grievances and mistreatment by snotty groupist society.

We need to give individualist protected class status. We need to teach them to love, to forgive, to go with the Good Spirits, to maverize and to advocate for their own people in a patient, nonviolent, legal and courteous protest.

Professor George, you are mistaken about most everything, but you are correct that whiteness may have been a contributing factor in the massacre in Texas. Was Kelly a loner? It is likely? Should we feel sympathy for a man that butcher animals and children? No. My thesis is that Mavellonialist value-training can rescue many of these desperate, very dangerous white male misfits. Be they sane or crazy, good or evil, individuated or non-individuated, with Mavellonialist orienting, most of them would not strike out against society.

We need not take away the guns: we need to end groupist discrimination against white male loners.

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