Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Loneliness Epidemic

There is a fascinating article provided by Cigna to the Drudge Report tonight (5/1/18) and Cignet's media contact is one Ellie Polack.

First off, loneliness is defined as social isolation. That is the conventional definition of loneliness and it is a type of loneliness. But, primary loneliness is living an inauthentic life, isolated and alienated from the individuated self, the self, the living angel in perfect harmony, communion and communication with the Good Spirits, and with God. The maverized maverick can be a total loser in the eyes of the world, and utterly socially isolated, but not lonely though very alone in the sense of being cut off from other humans.

To some degree, the decline of traditional groupist networks has made people fill lonely as they feel cut off from strong, interlocking. They want to rejoin the warm social cocoon of group-living.

We can be a community of individuators; individual living, leading full, fulfilling, rich lives apart from others. Then, what face-to-face (As it is written in the article, we do need face to face interaction with others to feel warm and secure emotionally) interactions we enjoy will be enjoyable and of high quality.

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