Saturday, June 9, 2018

Be Armed

May be reinstitute the draft, and not just for the young. Conscript the young first, but also older people if needed, even if they served prior tours. All sane, healthy, able-bodied American women and men should be conscripts and then reserves until they are 60 years of age.

We should have a professional army of 1 million soldiers, and active, trained 10 million more or so citizen-soldier reservists, ready to jump in and fill in the gaps.

We must have the most advanced and most powerful military in the world so that we can be the world cop when necessary, and stabilize and provide peace everywhere while keeping the imperialists like radical Islam, Iran, China and Russia from taking over the world.

We must have a viable military so that we continue to have a country. We need a state of the art Iron-Dome, laser-firing missile defense system able to shoot down missiles and to zap missile silos anywhere, at any time, with pinpoint accuracy.

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