Saturday, June 9, 2018


Why is the Left united and working and thinking and politicking as one whole, Prager U asks? I have the answers. Conservatives and individualists are loners, relatively speaking, and we are polite, quiet, busy working, just wanting to be left alone to get on with our lives.

Leftists are joiners and do everything as herd creatures, With that in mind, they disrespect and resent independent, self-reliant, rugged individualists int heir community that do their own thing, completing ignoring and disregarding groupists in their midst telling them what to do and how to live.

Leftists are pure socialists, completely united, and ever fighting to run political systems on all levels of government, speaking with one voice, which gives them impressive power. They lust after evermore power. They want Big Government running every aspect of every citizens' life. Wiping out private property, eliminating for-profit businesses, wiping out personal privacy and personal freedom are but a few of the changes that they seek to foist off on the unsuspecting American people, all imposed by self-righteous elites in the name of equality, fairness and compassion.

The Right is now waking up. We need Tea Party control of the Republican Party at all levels of government. We need supercitizen voters, informed, engaged and demanding real change, real reforms, emphasizing maximum liberty for the private citizen as individuating anarchists. But they need to unite and work together as the Left is doing to thwart the schemes being unleashed against society and its best interest, by the Left.

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