Monday, September 17, 2018

Seeing What Is Not There: Mob Hysteria

In 1983 my wife and I rented an apartment in Richfield. Mrs. D. the vile, nasty 85 year old lady below us was convinced that we were selling drugs out of our apartment. She convinced the caretakers who reported us to the Richfield police, who actually did surveillance on us for awhile. The caretaker, an ally and friend of Mrs. D., came and met with us. He accused us of selling drugs. He said he, his wife and the Richfield police were not sure how we were doing it, and he admired our cleverness, but that they would catch us. We were completely innocent, and I have never even smoked pot. When people hate someone, they are so filled with suspicion and conviction about the wickedness of their enemies (us), that they see what is not there, and believe what is not there. Our drug-dealings were never uncovered, and we moved out one year later. Neighbors in apartment living are one reason that we bought a house.

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