Sunday, April 7, 2019

Faimly Dynamics

Family dynamics are always a double-edged sword. On one hand each child requires a married mom and dad that love themselves, each other, and their children. The parents need God in their lives, and need to raise the children to be disciplined, hardworking maturing individualists and individuators in order  for them to take their place in society as adults, to reproduce and live as contributing members of society in the future to pass on good  values and wholesome culture to their children and grandchildren. Healthy family dynamics make for healthy communities, and healthy communities make for functioning states. Functioning states and provinces make a country run smooth and well.

The family dynamic, without Mavellonialist insight and correction, is the greatest source of evil in the world, ancient or modern. Satan runs this world. People are basically evil, and people are selfless, with low self-esteem, and keeping people living and existing in herds keeps them evil, hateful, cruel and easy to keep subjugated as mediocre nonindividuators.

Evil is perpetuated and spread from generation to generation by familial suppression of its individual children. Satan and Lera use destructive group dynamics within each family unit to exploit the natural childhood, masochistic need to surrender, sell out and conform, the innate childhood cowardice and eager willingness to be tyrannized, the desperate human craving to conform to the most stifling inhumane group and familial demands, so that they can be popular and belong, by selling out, by betraying their innate call from God to stand up and maverize.

Each group in the world, and the family is no exception, requires its pecking order to be reaffirmed, its recognized status of insiders, its emphasis on the rewards of rank and status conferred by remaining a conforming insider to be reinforced by selecting and identifying a member to be the outcast, the rejected one, the whipping girl or whipping boy.

Family is the ancient, primitive biological unit for social grouping of parents and offspring. When parents set up who is in and a joiner, and who is out, the loner, and the whipping girl or whipping boy, that ugly, pain-saturated sets of behavior are established across generations, and the adult children will enforce them until all are dead and departed from this world.

These ancient, debilitating, cruel and unjust familial patterns of favorite, conforming, grouped children versus not-favored, nonconformist, individuating children are patterns that will not be rectified without reforms.

First, all people must accept that they are flawed and evil. Second, they must accept that they are natural joiners, and must reject that instinct, and live as God-seeking, God-obeying individuators that individual live. They must pledge, as adults, to live as heterosexual, married adults that are a family unit that raises children as individuators and individualists, a group, biological unit in which each child is treated more or less equally, without favoritism or discrimination.  That does not mean treating them exactly the same, but they should all be valued and allowed their liberty and self-actualization while being trained, disciplined, educated and loved as they grow into adults themselves.

In this way, the individual child, the family, the community and the nation will enjoy the benefits of family dynamics while eliminating a major source of dysfunction and suffering in the world, the group-oriented, group-living family unit.

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