Sunday, April 21, 2019

Confederate History

Should Confederate History still be a part of our history, and taught to all our children and college students? Heck yes and absolutely. The Confederacy was part of our founding, and had much to offer history and civilization, racism and slave-owning to the contrary.

Should the statue of Kate Smith in Philadelphia be uncovered, her version of American the Beautiful still shared at baseball games, etc.? Heck yes and absolutely. So she sung a couple of racist songs in the 30s. I am sure most entertainers of those times did that.

We cannot judge people by the values of our times, and we cannot take their thoughts and behavior out of context of the times that they lived in, and what they knew, did and said. Mark Stein, filling in for Rush the other day, warned that the irresistible urge by the Left and the political correct to rewrite history is a totalitarian, favorite tactic used by the Soviets and totalitarian Communists. That should alert us to what we are dealing with should they gain power over America.

We are a national of politically correct cowards that allow Leftist factions and bullies to debunk, destroy and dethrone cultural heroes of the American past one at a time.

Why should we renounce and repel all such mendacious, bullying historical revisionism?

First, the attackers, that self-describe themselves  as not compassionate, kind, enlightened, culturally, intellectually and morally superior elitists in seeking to downplay and eradicate American culture and history. They reject America as flawed, oppressive, racist, sexist and slave-owning from its inception, so rotten and evil that it can only be destroyed, and be replaced by globalist, Leftist ideology and communist tyranny.

America is not perfect, but she is pretty darned good having offered unparalleled wealth, liberty, tolerance, racial harmony, peace and justice for hundreds of millions of Americans, and have brought Pax Americana to the rest of the world since WW II. It is not perfect, but it is very good.

Leftist intellectuals demand that we are totally perfect at all times, from 1776 to today, in every occasion, or the exception to our goodness and excellence is is the fact justifying destroying our good America. Leftists hate America, period. They are fanatics, true believers, that have lied about America repeatedly in a big way that it is without merit or value, and is rotten in every way. They have never told the truthful and are so vicious, and unpatriotic traitors as anti-Americans that they should be opposed on all they say, do and propose.

They crave the power of intellectuals, elites and bureaucrats over the masses. Their lust for power is a deadly, bottomless addiction. They hate the masses and want them to be slaves ruled by these masters in the totalitarian government. They are not compassionate. They want to use force, terror, the threat of jail and worse to coerce Americans to be under the federal thumb. They are not kind.

Everything they touch they destroy. Leftism, statism, socialism and totalitarianism is all they offer and it has ruined billions of lives and wrecked every country that it is been inaugurated into. This group-living, tyranny-infested, classless communitarian future that they offer humanity is not enlightened but is crude, destined to fail and never works. These progressives are harbingers of social, economic darkness that is stupid, cruel and causes ignorance, superstition, poverty, human rights atrocities and violations, hunger and disease where it is implemented.

It is America with its mass culture, its free markets, its liberty, its tolerance, its science, it boundless opportunity, and its constitutional republicanism that is morally, intellectually and culturally superior. So we love football, MOA and Walmart. No problem: add some Mavellonialist doctrines such as individual-living, bearing arms, self-realization and turning our people into lawful anarchist supercitizens serving in God's army till they are 70 years old, and we will the the light on the hill for all benighted peoples around the world to emulate and marvel.

Leave our heritage alone, you Progressives, and go live in Cuba if you are unhappy here.

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