Sunday, April 14, 2019

The New Governor Goofy

According to a lead article in the 4/14/19 StarTribune, Socialist Governor Tim Walz is riding the political correctness train to its logical conclusion. He strives for an ever more diverse workforce driven by Progressive standards of inclusion, diversity and equity.

He has statistics broke down to capture precise representation of work numbers for the executive branch of state government: 54.9%; women, staff with disabilities, 8.8%; people of color, 14.3%; veterans, 8.8%=86.8% non-white males that make up 13.4% of the Minnesota population. Are straight white males 13.4% of the general population in Minnesota? If their statistics are right, and minorities in Minnesota are 20% of the population, and 80% are of European ancestry, and of that about 40% of the population is white male, how did a 13.4% executive branch number come about?

My suggestion: make sure that you have a little of all kinds working in your administration and I hope they are not tokens but are actually the best qualified person for the job.

I would recommend that Mavellonialism  be adopted by the state of Minnesota as the unofficial state religion (It is unconstitutional to declare an official state religion.). As we train a generation of young adults to enter the work force for public or private employment as maverized, individuating anarchists the vast majority of these job candidates will be so exceptional in certification, work ethic, creativity dependability, reliability, street smarts, willingness to care and get along with other team members, that they could be from any identity group and it would be irrelevant because all would be qualified and all would be worthy of hire and retention. 

Then this silly game of hiring quotas can wither away, and identity politics can disappear with it. That is how I respond to the pious, insincere socialist numbers game hiring practises bragged about by the new Governor Goofy.

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