Sunday, November 29, 2020


 Candace Owens this morning has a short video entitled "Bowing To The Mob Will Not Save You". She is interviewing a British woman intellectual. Both agreed whether it is Muslims intimidating British whites or BLM thugs harass white diners at a restaurant in Virginia, that agreeing with the bullies and persecutors so they will go after other people and not you, only buys you protection for a bit. They will be back for you later.

As fearless, truth-loving individuators that love free speech, free action, free thinking and liberty itself, we never cave to bullies, liars and thugs. We fight them each time, up close. Otherwise evil  grows and poisons the entire society. We all have a duty to speak up right now.

Then the StarTribune in the Sunday paper has two scary articles as part of its fake news brainwashing to keep the people brainwashed, indoctrinated and lied too, and a majority of Minnesotans seem to agree and believe the crap fed to them. They are told that Covid-19 is so dangerous and is so deadly that we need to give up our civil liberties, bow to Governor Walz's dicatorial emergency power grab, and just move ahead into a soft tyranny nanny-state where the media tells you what to think and how to act, and that is what we do.

A third Strib front page article covers churches covering racial healing, studies of white supremacy, discrimination and the hard truths about the killing of Floyd Job. All these sheep will submit and love their subjugation under the fascinst/socialist regime coming soon as Uncle Joe comes into office.

Then, in Section B, black reporter Myron Medcalf is whining that "Our duty to students of color is lagging". Perhaps, the Leftists should get their claws out of the kids' hide, teach them to maverize and teach each child that self-help is the only workable way to excel academically and at life, and that they should tell the politicians, reporters, teacher, administrators and social workers to get the hell out of their faces and out of their lives so they can get to learning, self-taught. Just a thought.

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