Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Nolte Article On Jordan Peterson

 John Nolte wrote this article on line on November 25, 2020. I believe it was picked up by Breitbart. Here is its title: Nolte: Penguin Random House Employees Want Jordan Peterson's Upcoming Book Blacklisted.

Let me quote Nolte: "'Several Penguin Random House employees confronted management about the company's decision to publish a new book by controversial Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson at an emotional town hall Monday,' reports the far-left Vice News, 'and dozens more have filed anonymous complaints, according to four workers.'"

Nolte eviscerates and lambastes these employees and their ilk as frauds, phonies, true-believing hypocrites. Let me quote Nolte again: "The richest, most privileged generation in the history of the world, spoiled babies who carry access to the world's knowledge, access to almost every book every written and movie ever made, in their pocket. They're crying at work. Food is cheap. Energy is cheap. Health care is verging into miracle territory. They enjoy free time unlike anyone has ever seen. They live in a country so tolerant the media are forced to invent fake hate crimes. And still these squealing little, gerbil-crybullies are cry-bullying because a book publisher is going to publish a book that contains ideas they disagree with."

These fortunate Canadians and Americans are postmodernist socialists, without a shred of gratitude for how blessed they are.

They are angry with their employer for publishing Peterson's book. He requires censoring, blacklisting, deplatformed and put down. No, he does not. He offers a thoughtful, researched, carefully crafted, conservative worldview, original and traditional, that he has worked out over decades of reading, teaching, counseling, reflecting, lecturing and dialoguing about. His point of view needs to be hear and written about. His right to free speech and unfettered writing his view must not be thwarted or shut down in the name of wokeness and social justice.

Let me quote Nolte a bit more: "You want to know why they hate Peterson? Because he refuses to supply, because he's articulate and fearless, because nothing throws him, because he  refuses to be bullied into the delusion that a man can become women simply by announcing it, because he refuses to cave to the Pronoun Nazis. . . .And Random House knew this was coming! The company is so aware it allowed a bunch of spoiled fascists into its house . . ."

Nolte thus finishes his article: "Since the government, at least for now, is precluded by the Constitution from censoring and blacklisting, these massive corporations are going to do it for them, are going to do what Twitter and Facebook did--monopolize the public square where ideas are shared and expressed, and then blacklist us while Vichy Republicans, like the sniveling gerbils at National Review, spend their Google money on monocles and lecture us about how this all is a-okay."

Big business, big tech companies, big government, the media, the Democratic Party, the government employyes and all members of the ruling class conspire to lie to, mind control, and manage every aspect of private and public life for each citizen, and if a few bright, outspoken rebels like Peterson resist, his written word is to go unpublished. He is to be de-platformed, canceled, and he and is followers are to be shamed and marginalized as unfit for polite society. Ameritopia has almost arrived.

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