Sunday, March 14, 2021

Gad Saad

Here are some things that Gad Saad said (my paraphrased notes): 'Postmodernists break down reality. They espouse that language defines reality totally; nothing exists outside of language. Yet, alien power motivation exists--now where did that come from outside of language? Language creates reality." My response: I am not a pure Objectivist as in Ayn Rand, but she is correct in insisting that reality exists independently of human consciousness. It, its beings, things and persons exist, whether ever perceived or not. Language does not define reality or create reality, but it is our conceptual and linguistic explanation of our encounter with the independently existing world. Still language does help us create social reality as we interpret the world that we encounter, enter, and exist within. Power does exist and comes from outside of language, but it is not the only, the basic or sole motivation for human interaction. Nor are human interactions only based on power struggle between groups. That is but one example of human motivation and how we interact.

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